you draw on people's faces in magazines when you were young? I did. And not always to their advantage I'm afraid ... On flawless faces I drew pimples, hairy warts, silly glasses and moustaches and I blackened many a teeth...
I saw some pictures of girls decorating (and this time
really decorating) faces of top models and I remembered the fun of changing a face to your liking and fantasy...
Now wouldn't it be nice to do that to the picture of a man? So......
I looked one up and cut him out of his ad and glued him in my journal. He looked as if he could do with some fantastic attire... |

I told him not to worry while I dabbed around his pretty face with a sponge with some gesso. That gave him a mysterious look and made him sink away nicely into my paper. Feeling really in charge now I added some swirls to his already good looks and he seemed to like it. |
Now I dared to give him some straight-out-of-the-forest colours, adding wild curls and tattooing his face. You can tell that he loved it. |
Couldn't resist adding an ironic comment : Oh look what was inside my frog!
Hallo Jenny,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat een heerlijke man, zo zie ik ze niet elke dag.
Ik het kikkerkussen (facebook foto) jij het tot leven wekken van de prins.
Ik ga ook eens kijken of ik er eentje kan versieren. Leuk!!!
Hij is er een stuk knapper op geworden naar mijn mening! Helaas woon ik nu 3 hoog, dus kikkers op het balkon zit er niet in... maar ik heb natuurlijk mijn eigen prins dus ik klaag zeker niet! Oh, en hier ook mooie Zeeuwse zonsopgangen en jagende wolken, én nu en dan een voorbijzeilende reiger (die kikker van jouw mag wel uitkijken!) Fijne zondag Jenny!